Dr. Julie A. Van Dyke is a Senior Research Scientist and Vice President of Research and Strategic Initiatives at Haskins Laboratories, an independent research laboratory affiliated with Yale University and the University of Connecticut. She holds adjunct professorships at McMaster University and the City University of New York Graduate Center and is an affiliate of the CT Institute for Brain and Cognitive Sciences at University of Connecticut. Her research is funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH).
She is an Associate Editor for Journal of Experimental Psychology: General and Section Editor of the Cognitive Science Section of the Language and Linguistics Compass. She sits on the Editorial Board of the Scientific Studies of Reading, Discourse Processes, and the Language and Computation section of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Professional
memberships include the Psychonomics Society, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, and the Society for the Neurobiology of Language.
When not in the lab, Dr. Van Dyke enjoys spending time with her husband and four daughters. Her research is inspired and informed by mothering a child with combined ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and spoken language disability.

Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Cognitive Psychology
Dissertation: Retrieval effects in sentence parsing and interpretation
Advisors: Charles Perfetti, Richard L. Lewis
M.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University, Computational Linguistics
Thesis: ESL-Soar: A processing account of learning definiteness in a second language
Advisor: Jill Fain Lehman, Allen Newell
Honors B.A., Cum Laude, University of Delaware, Dean's Scholar
Majors: Computer Science, Linguistics; Minors: Classics, History
Thesis: Word Prediction for Disabled Users: Applying Natural Language Processing to Augmentative
Communication Devices
Advisor: Kathleen McCoy
Postdoctoral, Haskins Laboratories
NIH/NICHD Institutional Post-doctoral National Research Service Award
Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Reading Comprehension
Mentors: Donald Shankweiler, Ken Pugh
Postdoctoral, Department of Psychology, New York University
NIH/NICHD Individual Post-doctoral National Research Service Award
Interference effects in Memory and Sentence Processing
Mentor: Brian McElree